Sunday 1 April 2018


As we know that early childhood education is very important to children since at that stage they will develop their learning skill. So, a good educator is important in order to develop a learning skill to the children. This is because a good educator will deliver information or lesson in a good and interactive way for the children to understand easily. We know that learning is not that easy, so we need to attract the children’s attention in order to help them to develop their learning skills.

 If an educator doesn’t know how to communicate, how to be creative and attractive it will create a barriers for the children and educator as well. Some children can be passive and some can be aggressive. But as educators, they should know on how to control them and put the children together back on the track. Handling early childhood education is not easy and even this is hard because first education is the one that create the children’s behaviour for the next stage.

Written by;
PTM 170705670

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