Discalculia is a learning problem in math. Discalculia is a general term until severe math difficulties. It covers all kinds of mathematical problems from inability to understand the concept of numbers so the inability to apply the mathematical principle in solving the problem. Discalculia is a kind of learning that can be served in special education. Among the symptoms in childhood discoloration will be difficult to recognize numbers and symbols in mathematics such as +, -, x and%. Moreover, children can not determine the greatest value between 23 and 32.
Furthermore, discoloration of children is difficult to make measurements such as size, value, money, distance or fluid. then the causes of discoloration are births or genetic factors such as injuries to the left brain near the ear as the left brain functions to translate numbers. The second cause is the early exposure of desperate mathematics such as early childhood exposure to the acceptance of the mathematical concept causing the child to feel overwhelmed with the mathematical questions and become phobia. The last point is the teaching factor in the school, weak students can not master a skill fully because teachers need to spend the syllabus as set. We as a teacher need to have a variety of ways to teach children discourse and among other things is to give the lesson part.
Next, the teacher should give frequent repetition and drill exercises to identify them understand the questions or exercises shown. In addition, the teachers should relate examples with daily life and materials and use a variety of different tools. Then, when teaching a teacher should use the easy to understand material and always give the child apperciation and praise as well as avoid the nudging of them in public. Family support also plays an important role in helping children disassociate in terms of learning. Including family members, especially parents need to fully participate in helping children with learning disabilities. Always refer to her class teacher to keep up with children at school.
Next, teach their children or give exposure on game counting as well as give them the opportunity to deal with calculations and calculations in daily activities. In addition, parents should also cooperate with the school to guide their children to succeed in life.
PTM 170705745
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